Course Progress

Course Progress

When viewing a course, you will see a timer at the top of the page.  


When clicking either the Course Overview (if on the first lesson), Previous Lesson, Next Lesson, or Complete Course (if on the last lesson), this time will be saved.  




Please note that the time will only be saved when using one of these buttons. If you navigate away from the course by closing the window or clicking on something else, such as the Home breadcrumb link, then your time on the lesson will not be saved. 
This feature is also only available when viewing courses on the web application, not the mobile applications. You can access the web application using a mobile device.
Course progress can be viewed from your Home page, under your Student Account. You will see a tab called Course Results. Click it to see the list of courses where you have viewed at least one lesson. Click on View Details for a specific course to see more information about your progress. 


When viewing the details, the progress is broken down by Course, Topic and Lesson 

At the top, the Last Viewed time any lesson in the course has been viewed is displayed, as well as the Percentage Complete through the entire course. This percentage is calculated as the lessons in the course viewed at least once ÷ the total lessons in the course. 

Below the course details, each topic also shows the Percentage Complete, and Time Spent on the lessons within that topic. Like the Percentage Complete for a course, this percentage is calculated as the lessons from the topic viewed at least once ÷ the total lessons in the topic. 

Below each topic, information on a per-lesson basis is displayed. The Last Viewed time will be the time that the lesson was last viewed, and the time spent is the total time spent on the lesson. When viewing a lesson again, the time spent will be added to the earlier time already saved for the lesson. 

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