Student monitoring

Student monitoring

To monitor the progress of your students, follow these steps:
  1. Sign into the platform with your school account at
  2. After signing in, you will be taken to the home page.
  3. Find the School Manager section, and then under Schools, you will see your flight school. Click on the View Details link.
    How to select View Details for a School
  4. On the Schools page, you will see a section for Students. Here you can view which memberships a student has as well as how many courses and exams they have completed.

  5. Click on View Details to see more information about a particular student.

  6. On the Student Details page, you will be able to see detailed information about all the courses a student has viewed and the exams the student has completed.
    1. For courses, this includes the time spent on the course, and individual lessons, as well as the percentage progress through the course.
      Under Course Results, click on the View Details button.

      You will then see the details about the course progress, broken down into details for the complete Course, Topics and Lessons.

    2. For exams, this includes the total number of questions presented, number of questions the student got correct, and the percentage of questions that they got correct.
      Under Exam Results, click on the View Details button. 
      How to select View Details for a Student

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