You can access the profile page by clicking on your name on the top-right of the page, and then clicking on "Profile".
Personal Details
You can change your first name, last name, user name and email address. If changing your user name or email address, this has to be unique on the platform. If someone had already taken the user name or email address, you won't be able to make the change.
Change Password
To change your password, fill in your current password, and then fill in your new password. You will need to fill in your new password twice - once in New Password, and again in New Password Confirmation.
You can update your user name and/or email address without changing the password by leaving these fields blank.
Other Settings
Choose whether you want to be subscribed to our newsletter to be told about new features and platform updates.
Set the currency that you want the products to be shown in.
Archive Account
If you would like to delete your account, you can set it to be archived. Your account will be archived for 2 weeks during which you will not be able to access the platform unless you unarchive the account again. After 2 weeks your account will be deleted.

This is not reversible and you will lose access to any memberships you currently have access to. You will also be signed out immediately.

Link to School
You can access your School Link ID here which can be provided to your flight school so that your account can be linked to them. You can find out more about this at
Link Existing Student,